2025: 28 June - 13 July

Pride Day: Sat 12 July

Donate to Bristol Pride

Bristol Pride is a registered charity. We don’t get core funding to make Pride happen or to support the work we do throughout the year.

We rely on your donation to keep Pride happening. If you can’t come to Pride this year to make a donation at the event or by getting a supporter wristbands or would just like to make a donation to support us then there are a few ways you can do this.

Donate online

You can easily donate to Bristol Pride online and ensure our future and keep Pride a free event for everyone to attend, not those that can afford a ticket.

Please make a donation to support us if you can. Your donation will help keep Pride happening and support our year-round work with schools, lobbying, events and projects such as our work raising awareness of hate crime.

As a charity, we use Paypal Giving meaning your donation fee free.

Donate Online

Just Giving

As a charity, Bristol Pride is registered with Just Giving. If you want to run a fundraiser at work, school or with neighbours and friends then you can donate either via our Just Giving page. You can set up a fundraising page for Bristol Pride and if you also tick for GiftAid to give us an extra 25% at no cost to you. You can also set a monthly donation to support us.

Just Giving Fundriasing

Text To Donate

Text PRIDE to 70490 to donate £5

Click here from your mobile
Text To Donate

Texts cost £5 plus one standard rate message

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