2025: 28 June - 13 July

Pride Day: Sat 12 July

Organisations Directory

Find out about the fantastic community groups, organisations and charities dedicated to providing services and support for the LGBT+ community in Bristol and beyond.

If you would like your group or organisation to be featured in the directory, please send a few words about your group/organisation and the relevant web and social media links to info@bristolpride.co.uk.


Organisation About FacebookTwitterInstagram
Alcoholics Anonymous LGBT GroupAA is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics who turn to the Fellowship for help. Join Group
Action For Children We protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support. We ensure their voices are heard, and campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives.@ActionForChildren@actnforchildren
Ara Recovery Agency Ara helps people with alcohol, drug or gambling problems@AddictionRecoveryAgency@aragamblingservice
aktakt works to ensure that all lgbtq+ young people are able to live in accepting, supportive and caring homes, by providing a range of services to meet the individual needs of those who would otherwise be homeless or living in a hostile environment.@aktCharityUK@aktcharity@aktcharity
Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN)The Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) aims to create public acceptance and discussion of asexuality and facilitate the growth of an asexual community. They are an informational resource for people who are asexual and questioning, their friends and families, academic researchers and the press.
Bi Visible Bristol Bi Visible Bristol is an informal group/network for everything bi.
You can be bisexual, biromantic, bicurious or bifurious! All minority sexualities also welcome!
Join Group@BristolBivis
BrigstoweProviding local, independent & free HIV specific services in the Bristol, South Glos & North Somerset area. @BrigstoweInfo@BrigstoweInfo
Bristol Ageing Better Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) is a partnership working to reduce social isolation and loneliness among older people and help them live fulfilling lives. Bristol Ageing Better @BabBristol
Bristol and SouthWest Poly Social GroupPrivate group for polyamorous people interested in attending events in Bristol and the Southwest.Join Group
Bristol Bisons RFCBristol's inclusive & gay-friendly rugby team. @BisonsRFC@BisonsRFC@BisonsRFC
Bristol Disability Equality ForumBristol Disability Equality Forum is an organisation of, and for, Disabled people – whatever their impairment(s).@Bristoldef@BDEFbites@bdefbites
Bristol Drugs ProjectA Bristol-based charity here to help with alcohol and drug problems. With over 30 years’ experience providing a free and confidential service, BDP have the expert knowledge to support you, whether you are looking for help for yourself, someone you care about, professional guidance.@Bristoldrugsproject@BDProads
Bristol FoyerFoyers provide a safe, nurturing place for young people experiencing homelessness to live, learn and flourish.
Bristol Gay Men's Chorus A choir for gay men guided by “three Ss”
Singing. Socialising. Support.
Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination ServicesBristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Services (BHC&DS) is a collaboration of charities. Jointly, they deliver services for victims of hate crime and discrimination in Bristol.
Bristol Independent Mental Health NetworkThe LGBTQ+ Mental Health Lived Experience Steering Group has come together to address the gaps and issues in local mental health services that exist for the needs of the community in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
Bristol Law Centre Bristol Law Centre is a charity providing free legal advice in specialist areas of social welfare law, and also represents clients in court.@BristolLawCentre
Bristol LGBT+ Badminton ClubA social Badminton club which offers a safe space for LGBT+ individuals to enjoy the sport while making new friends.
We are open to anyone regardless of badminton ability, sexual orientation, gender, race or religion.
Bristol Older People's ForumBOPF represent the interests of people (over 55) in Bristol, by acting as the official consultant with Bristol City Council and other agencies. @Bristololderpeoplesforum@BristolOPF
Bristol Parent CarersIn 2009 Bristol Parent Carers was formed as an independent, parent-led organisation, providing the new way forward.
Bristol Sisters UncutWe are a self organizing group of diverse and self identifying sisters. As intersectional feminists we understand that a woman’s individual experience of violence is affected by race, class, disability, sexuality and immigration status.@Sistersuncutbristol@SistersUncut@SistersUncut
Bristol Queer People of Colour SocialsWe create spaces and community for Queer People of Colour (QPOC) in Bristol. Monthly QPOC socialsBristol QPOC SocialsBristol QPOC Socials
Bristol Women's VoiceBristol Women’s Voice (BWV) is a powerful voice for women working to make women’s equality in Bristol a reality.@BristolWomensVoice@BWV2
British Association for Counselling and PsychotherapyThe British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is the professional association for members of the counselling professions in the UK. We exist for one simple reason - counselling changes lives.@TheBACP@BACP
BrookBrook is the UK's leading sexual health and well being charity for young people.@BrookCharityYP@BrookCharity@Brook_sexpositive
BS3 LGBTBS3 LGBT+ aims to bring together the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities that live, work and play in the Bristol BS3 area.Join Group
Christians At Bristol Pride CABP was created in 2017 to provide a positive inclusive Christian voice surrounding events at Bristol Pride. It also holds occasional ‘rainbow services’ in supporting churches in Bristol and is compiling a directory of partner churches which openly welcome LGBT+ people. @ChristiansatBristolPride
Changes BristolChanges Bristol provide peer support groups in Bristol and online for anyone aged 18 or over, offering a safe and friendly space for people to share any worries they might have.@changesbristolcharity@ChangesBristol@changesbristol
Chronic Illness QueersA group exclusively for chronically ill and disabled queer people, meaning anyone who identifies under the LGBTIQA+ umbrella.Join Group
Deaf Rainbow UKDeaf Rainbow UK aim is to try and provide information and represent and support deaf people who are either coming out and/or identify with LGBTIQA.@DeafRainbowUK@DeafRainbowUK@DeafRainbowUK
DependAn organisation offering free, confidential and non-judgemental advice, information and
support to adults in the UK with a trans partner, friend or adult family member who is considering or undergoing transition, or who has transitioned.
Developing Health & Independence DHI is a registered charity that challenges disadvantage and social exclusion by supporting people to achieve their potential.@DevelopingHealthIndependence@dhi_online
Educational Action Challenging Homophobia EACH is the award-winning charity affirming the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.@Eacheducation@Each_uk
FFLAG BristolFFLAG Bristol is a support group, serving the West, for families and friends of lesbians, gays, bisexual and trans adults and children based in Bristol. It provides an opportunity for people to explore issues and share experiences, as well as their fears, in a safe place.@Bristolfamilyandfriends
Galop National LGBT+ Domestic abuse helplineThe UK's LGBT+ anti-violence charity, combating hate crime, sexual violence & domestic abuse. Making life safe, just & fair.@galopuk@galopuk
Gay and Lesbian Vaishnava Association (GALVA)Information & Support for LGBTI Vaishnavas & Hindus@galva108
Gay Outdoor ClubThe Gay Outdoor Club operates throughout Great Britain and provides a wide range of outdoor and indoor sports and recreational activities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender men and women.@gayoutdoorclub@gayoutdoorclub1
Gay WestLGBT+ Social Group covering the South West.
Bristol, Bath, South Glos and surrounding areas.
Delivering services in HMPs LGBT+ Community
Gendered Intelligence Gendered Intelligence, established in 2008, is a registered charity that exists to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve trans people's quality of life.@GenderedIntelligence@genderedintell
GloscatsFriendly meet ups in Gloucester & Bristol for those describing themselves as cross-dresser, transvestite, transman, transwoman, intersex, transexual or gender variant.@gloscatssupport
Hidayah LGBT+ Muslims Hidayah is a UK Registered Charity for LGBTQIA+ Muslims. We offer social groups, education and campaigns for social justice.@hidayahlgbt@Hidayahlgbtqi @Hidayahlgbtqi
St Nicholas of Tolentino Church A monthly celebration of the Eucharist for LGBT+ Catholics, families and friends.
Independent People Supporting 16 - 25 year olds who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to live independently through housing/skills/confidence building/education/job training.@1625ip
Indigo NetworkMonthly social & cultural events for LBTQ+ women & our friends. Individually strong, collectively powerful.Join Group@indigobristol
Jewish LGBT+ Group The longest established Jewish LGBT group in the world. Most events held in St John's Wood, London
Kiki Bristol Kiki Bristol is a space for QTIPOC (Queer, transgender, intersex, people of colour) to meet, greet, eat, discuss, dance and more importantly feel free to be yourself!@KikiSocials@kiki_bristol@kiki_bristol
LGBT Foundation A national charity supporting LGBT people to increase their skills, knowledge and self-confidence to improve and maintain their health and wellbeing. We also work in partnership with others to build strong, cohesive and influential LGBT communities.@LGBTFdn@LGBTfdn@lgbtfdn
LGBT Humanists We advance free thinking and promote humanism to create a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail. @humanists.uk@humanists_uk@humanists_uk
LGBT Conservatives The official affiliated Conservative Party (UK) lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans group.@LGBTCons
LGBTIQA Green Party The Green Party of England & Wales Liberation group for people of diverse sex, gender and sexuality. @LGBTIQAGreens@LGBTIQAGreens@LGBTIQAGreens
LGBT LabourThe Labour Campaign for LGBT+ rights. Campaigning for equality since 1975. Affiliated to The Labour Party.@LGBTLabourUK@LGBTLabour
LGBT Liberal Democrats LGBT+ Lib Dems promotes sexual and gender minorities through influencing local, national and international policies.@PlusLibDems@LGBTLD
Mermaids UKUK charity supporting transgender kids, young people and their families since 1995.@MermaidsGender@Mermaids_Gender@mermaidsgender
Mindline Trans+MindLine Trans+ is a confidential emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary. We are also here to support family members and friends.
Missing LinkMissing Link provide cutting edge women’s mental health services for Bristol residents; both in the community and through our shared housing and Crisis House. We are proud to support those who identify as women from a range of diverse cultures and backgrounds.@MissingLinkHousing@MissingLink_MLH@missinglinkbristol
Next Link Next Link provide domestic abuse support services for those identifying as women in Bristol and their families. We also provide support in South Gloucestershire and North Somerset for women, families and men. Support ranges from our refuges to help in the community, and we are proud to support people from a range of diverse cultures and backgrounds.@NextLinkHousing@nextlinkhousing@missinglinkbristol
OTR Bristol OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Getting free support couldn’t be easier.
Come along to one of our regular Hubs or explore the website and sign-up directly to the project or service you want to try.
Out For Our ChildrenOut For Our Children works to create a positive environment for children of same-sex parents in nurseries, play-groups and schools.
Out On The PageBringing Together LGBTQ+ Writers - online and in person. Free online members forum, directory and events. In-person retreats.@outonthepage@outonthepage@outonthepage
Out To Swim (West)Bristol branch of Out To Swim - is the UK's largest LGBT+ aquatics club.@outtoswim@OutToSwimWest@outtoswim
OutdoorLadsOutdoorLads’ aim is to get more gay, bi and trans guys outdoors across the UK. Our volunteer leaders run walking, cycling, climbing (and more) events for all abilities, as well as weekend-long camping and hostel events.@OutdoorLads@outdoorlads@outdoorlads
OutStories Bristol OutStories Bristol is a volunteer community history group gathering the stories of LGBT people living in or associated with Bristol and its surrounds.Join Group@OutStoriesBris
Out UWE UWE Bristol's LGBT+ page. Students, Community, Everyone
Parents of Jewish Gays & LesbiansSupport group for anyone Jewish with a child/ grandchild who is LGBTQ+ and who would like to meet other similar parents.
Pink Law - Legal Advice Centre An award winning free Legal Advice Centre at Queen Mary University.@QMLAC@QMLAC
Pink Therapy We are the UK's largest independent therapy organisation working with gender and sexual diversity clients.@PinkTherapy@PinkTherapyUK
Press For Change The UK's Leading Authority on Transgender Law.@pfcuknews
Plus Importance ProjectThe Plus Importance Project works with all organisations, from large businesses to specialist LGBT+ support services, to support and encourage them to be more + inclusive.@plusimportanceproject
Pride Sports Pride Sports have launched an LGBT+ sports Club Map funded by Sport England.@pridesportsuk@PrideSportsUK@pridesportsuk
Pride Without Borders Pride Without Borders is our support group for Bristol-based LGBTQ+ people seeking asylum and those with refugees status. @bristolrefugeerights@bristolrefugeer
Prostate Cancer SupportA dedicated space where you may wish to post specific messages where other gay and bisexual men or MSM can respond.
Queer Housing Bristol A group for anyone looking for a queer/queer-friendly housemate or a queer/queer-friendly houseshare, so we can all find perfect home sweet homos!
Join Group
Rainbow Pilgrims Rainbow Pilgrims is a landmark project that explores the 'hidden history' of Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) migrants in Britain.@rainbowpilgrims@rainbowpilgrims
Regard UKRegard is a UK organisation of lesbians, gay men, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex people (LGBTQI+) who self-identify as disabled.Join Group@RegardLGBT
Relate Avon Charity offering counselling, tips and advice for couples, families and individuals. Supporting healthy relationships.@RelateAvon@RelateAvon
Safe LinkSafe Link provide independent support for anyone who has been the victim of rape and sexual abuse across the whole of Avon and Somerset area. This includes women, men, non-binary folk and children. Abuse can be recent or historic and we are proud to support people from a range of diverse cultures and backgrounds@SafeLinkSupportk">@nextlinkhousing @SafeLinkSupport@missinglinkbristol
SamaritansWhatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. Call us for free any time 116 123@samaritanscharity@samaritans@samaritanscharity
Shout Out RadioShoutOut is a community run radio show, based in Bristol, made at our home station - BCFM.
We aim to provide the LGBT community with radio and television content covering a wide range of subjects.
Sing Out Bristol The South West's Award Winning LGBT+ Choir.@SingOutBristolChoir@singoutbristolSing Out Bristol
Single Parents For anyone who is raising children on their own, whether through relationship breakup, illness, bereavement, work commitments or choice.@SingleParentsFamily@S1ngleParents
SISH BristolSISH stands for ‘self injury self help’, and are a Bristol based community organisation, running self help support groups for people who self injure.
Switchboard LGBT+ HelplineNational LGBTQIA+ helpline. Open daily 10am-10pm. Call 0300 330 0630@switchboardLGBT@switchboardlgbt@switchboardLGBT
Terrence Higgins Trust Terrence Higgins Trust – the UK's leading HIV & sexual health charity. Free confidential support: 0808 802 122@TerrenceHigginsTrust@THTorguk@thtorguk
The Bridge LGBT+ Service The Bridge is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). We offer medical care, emotional and psychological support, and practical help to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted.
The Bridge FoundationSpecialist psychotherapy for children, young people and parents as well as adults and couples - now offered remotely. Established in Bristol in 1984, experienced and qualified therapists.@bridgefoundationbristol@Bridge_Therapy@bridgefoundationbristol
The Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES)GIRES actively represents the Trans and gender diverse community to government, global health organisations and campaigning bodies.@giresmessages@GIRESUK
The HarbourWe believe that everyone in Bristol should have a safe space to talk and be listened to when they face death, dying and bereavement. Offering free access to individual, couples, and group counselling for adults affected by life-threatening illness including HIV / Aids.@theharbourbristol@HarbourBristol
Trans BristolTransBristol is a safe space where trans identified people in the Bristol area can share ideas, provide support and plan things.
Trans Pride BristolPromoting & celebrating diversity of Transgender, Non-Binary, Intersex & Gender Variant individuals by encouraging awareness, openness & interaction.@transpridesouthwest@TPrideBristol@transpridebristol
UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration GroupThe UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group (UKLGIG) is a charity that promotes equality and dignity for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people who seek asylum in the UK, or who wish to immigrate here to be with their same-sex partner.@UKLGIG
UK Polyamory Public GroupA poly-related Facebook group specifically for the UK.
This group is for information sharing and discussions with like-minded people, making connections, and learning about meet ups and events.
Join Group
Voice and Influence Partnership"ViP is a collaboration of organisations working to increase participation from equalities and under-represented groups and striving to increase voice and participation from LGBTQ+ people across the city. Working with individuals, organisations and groups, ViP will raise awareness of ongoing city-wide consultations, organise events, and provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ people to get involved, be heard and make changes.@LgbtqVip@lgbtqvip@lgbtqvip
West Women WalkingWe are a group of gay women who meet to walk together. West Women Walking walks are usually within an hour's drive of Bristol or Bath. Join Group
WISH A voice for women’s mental healthWish is the only national, user-led charity working with women with mental health needs in prison, hospital and the community. @wishcharity@WishCharity@wishcharity
Womankind BristolWomankind provides women in the Bristol area with free or affordable professional counselling, psychotherapy and on-going support.
Women and Trans Night Bristol Bike ProjectWe are a comprehensive community bike project, repairing and rehoming unwanted bicycles. We aim to help people from all walks of life get out on two wheels and for it to be an inclusive and empowering experience.@thebristolbikeproject@bristolbikeproj@thebristolbikeproject