2025: 28 June - 13 July

Pride Day: Sat 12 July

Bag Searches

Bag Searches

There will be bag searches in place at Bristol Pride. These are in place for your safety but may mean that queues could take little longer than expected. Please understand, this is for your safety

There will be bag searches in place.

If you don’t need to bring a bag with you then don’t bring one. If you do need to bring a bag please make sure it’s roughly the size of A4. This will help speed up entry for everyone.

Soft drinks are allowed but need to be sealed. Everything, including drinking water bottles, need to be sealed. Refill bottles need to be empty. There are free water points at every toilet block onsite and Bristol Water are onsite under the Big Screen in the Main Stage Arena to refill your water.

Absolutely no glass is allowed onsite.

No Alcohol is allowed onto the festival site.

Supporter wristbands get you discounts on the bar and we operate a fair pricing policy. Profits from the bars go back to the Bristol Pride charity and help to keep Pride happening.

There is a zero tolerance policy to drugs and anyone with drugs found will be treated with normal enforcement laws, ejected from the site and the police will be called.

‘Legal’ highs are also not permitted onsite. No NOS is allowed. Anyone found with NOS it will be assumed you intend to supply, which is illegal.

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